100% natural, 100% harmless to humans

Diatomaceous Earth, DE, D.E., celite, Kieselgur, Kieselguhr – those are just a few names used for decades around the world referring to this natural organic pest control mineral.

Great absorbant

Helps keep the soil moist in gardening.

What is it?

Bugs hate it

DE’s structure has microscopic sharp edges which crawling insects cannot stand, slugs also try to avoid this dry powder.

Paukštininko padėjėjas

For decades DE has been sucessfully used in poultry farming to fight red mite and keep bedding dry.

Pets will appreciate

Dry house free from annoying crawling insects is the dream of every self-respecting dog or cat.

Gardener’s friend

Crawling insects do not get along with DE, yet it is an organic and natural pest control powder completely harmless to humans and pets.

Controls slugs

Slugs really don’t like the drying properties of DE powder. They need slime to fully function. DE doesn’t kill them but it really slows them down and they’ll try to avoid it at all cost.

Enriches soil

DE is a very good absorbent and is widely used in gardening not only to control unwanted crawling insects and slugs in gardens and greenhouses but also to improve soil quality and keep it moist.

Neutralizes odors

A pinch of DE sprinkled into your kitchen compost bin from time to time will be enough to contain unpleasant odors.

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